Menopause and blood sugar levels: what you need to know

Menopause and blood sugar levels: what you need to know

Blood sugar levels have a big impact during perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. In fact, blood sugars have a role in managing everything from anxiety to controlling weight gain to maintaining bone density. That’s a lot to consider!

That’s because oestrogen and progesterone affect how your cells respond to insulin. And during the menopause stages, changes in your hormone levels can trigger fluctuations in your blood sugar level. It can be unpleasant and unpredictable – after all, no one wants a blood sugar rollercoaster.

What happens when you have unregulated blood sugars

Here’s what happens when your body is trying to deal with unregulated blood sugars:


You have a higher risk of having diabetes complications.

Weight gain

You might gain weight during the transition through perimenopause and post-menopause.


For all women, but especially during the peri- and post-menopause ages, high blood sugar levels can contribute to urinary tract and vaginal infections. Post-menopause the drop in oestrogen makes it easier for bacteria and yeast to thrive in your urinary tract and vagina.

Sleep problems

Hot flashes and night sweats keep you up at night – and these can sometimes be due to excess sugar. That and a lack of sleep can make it tougher to manage your blood sugar levels.

Sexual problems

Struggling with your libido, getting aroused, or having an orgasm… Diabetes can damage the nerves of the cells that line the vagina, plus vaginal dryness may worsen the issue by causing pain during sex.

Thankfully there’s some good news too: protein, healthy fats, and fibre all help to balance your blood sugar and optimal hormonal health during menopause.

How to regulate your blood sugar and feel better

  1. You need to be including protein, healthy fat, and fibre in every meal. Grains are optional; if you do have them, only have small amounts. Vegetables should always take up most of your plate.
  2. Make sure to have your meals in a calm environment – that means sitting down at a table, moving away from your desk if you are working, and chewing your food well… no scoffing!
  3. You should feel full and satisfied for 3-5 hours after you’ve eaten, that will stop you from snacking.
  4. If you feel hungry sooner, have a healthy snack to avoid crashing.
  5. The food you have eaten should make you feel energised, not tired or slumped.
  6. Chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, vitamin B12 and zinc, are all in Key Peri & Menopause to naturally help with blood sugar regulation and cravings.

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