Menopause and mood changes: what to do when you feel emotional and teary

Menopause and mood changes: what to do when you feel emotional and teary

Picture this: you’re aged 42, successful, balancing family and work life. You understand the need for balance – and try to make time for exercise and seeing family and friends, too. So why are you suddenly feeling sad and tearful for no apparent reason?

Many women experience mood changes during perimenopause

Perimenopause and menopause can cause mood changes that include feeling emotional and tearful, sometimes for no reason at all. It’s actually a common symptom during perimenopause, and it’s something that can last for a few months – or even longer.

You may become more sensitive and feel vulnerable. Crying can start at any time — at work, at home, when out with friends — so it can be embarrassing when you can’t explain what’s actually wrong.

What causes mood swings during menopause and what you can do about it

As with most things, when it comes to menstruation and the transition into menopause, hormones are the root of the problem — and when it comes to menopause and mood changes, it’s no different.

When women reach their mid to late 30’s, estrogen and progesterone levels begin to decrease (albeit very slowly). This change in hormone levels begins the perimenopause journey, as your body and brain react to the change.

Because estrogen is essential in helping to regulate other hormones, which may have mood-boosting effects, it’s no wonder mood changes are such a common symptom of perimenopause. Thes affected hormones include serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine — which probably sound familiar!

Estrogen also supports your brain carry out certain functions, which is why when estrogen levels change, your mood may change too.

An overview of causes of mood changes during menopause

  1. Often, it’s low oestrogen (our happy hormone) which acts as a natural antidepressant.
  2. Plus low oestrogen levels can make sleep more difficult – and we all know that a lack of sleep makes us tired and emotional.
  3. That and stress and anxiety can build – when it starts it can be difficult to get a hold of your emotions.

What you can do about mood changes during menopause

  1. It’s important to look at your lifestyle. Take this time of your life to re-evaluate your overall physical health and mental wellbeing.
  2. Don’t get overwhelmed by social media or side-tracked by a sense that you’re missing out or less successful that anyone else. We often consider the negative influence of social media in the context of teenagers and young people, but women aged 40+ can be impacted too.
  3. Get outdoors! It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise; just a short daily walk can make a big difference. Exposing your face, neck area, and lower arms to the sunshine will top up vitamin D levels, for eg.
  4. Meditate and take a little time for yourself every day. You don’t need to be an expert. Use an app, Spotify, or YouTube and follow a simple programme – many of them start from as little as 10 minutes a day. This will reduce your stress levels.
  5. Talk! Be open and honest with family, friends, and colleagues. Take advantage of any support systems available – including from online organisations.

Don’t forget your diet too. Eating well and prioritising balanced, healthy meals will help you stay strong of body and mind.

Key for Menopause supplements contain a blend of essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals to help you navigate peri-menopause and menopause — and we have specifically included ingredients to help support mood regulation. {link} Take a look!

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